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New Year's Concert @ Vilnius Philharmonic Hall


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New Year's Concert @ Vilnius Philharmonic Hall

  • Vilnius Filharmonija (map)

The Lithuanian Symphonic Wind Orchestra (LSWO) has been continuing a beautiful tradition for many years now, closing the concert season with a festive programme at the Lithuanian National Philharmonic Concert Hall. This year, the orchestra is bringing an exceptional programme to suit the tastes of the most demanding listeners. For the first time in Lithuania, the young Latvian violinist Roberts Balanas, rapidly climbing the ladder of the musical elite, will collaborate with the LSWO. The offspring of a renowned musical family not only excels in classical repertoire, but also explores links with popular music. Even Sir Elton John has praised his arrangements of songs for solo violin, naming them “so fantastic that they must be shared”. Roberts Balanas has made his debut at London’s Royal Festival Hall and Wigmore Hall and is a much sought-after guest at concert halls across Europe.