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  • St James's Church St James's Church Sussex Gardens London, England, W2 3UD United Kingdom (map)

A special evening of music making awaits you as violinist and viral sensation Roberts Balanas joins forces with players from ANONIMI Chamber Orchestra. The programme will include a fresh take on Vivaldi's legendary 'The Four Seasons' as well as a selection of Roberts' arrangements of Classical and Pop masterpieces.

''…I thought it was so fantastic, I just had to share it with you all. ‘' Sir Elton John, on Roberts Balanas' performance of 'I'm Still Standing'.

A musician of eclectic artistry, Latvian violinist Roberts Balanas enjoys a wide range of musical interests and aims to tear down the boundaries between different genres of music. Combining his background in classical music with the sound worlds of pop, rock and funk, the 'Young Star Violinist' (Classic FM) has amassed millions of views across the web for his performances.

ANONIMI Chamber Orchestra, founded in 2023 by cellist and conductor Margarita Balanas, emerges as a pivotal voice in the ever-evolving dialogue surrounding the future of classical music. The orchestra's ethos, eloquently captured by The Arts Desk, emphasizes a steadfast commitment to prioritising the essence of music itself, illuminating ANONIMI's mission deeply rooted in community engagement initiatives that harness the transformative power of music to inspire and connect. This dedication finds expression in their electrifying performances, outreach initiatives and collaborations with contemporary composers.

Photos by: Kevin Kremer (poster) and Zac Goodwin (orchestra)